Cross Cutting Theme 1: Landscape and Democracy

Key Visual Workshop Landscape Democracy

Landscape and Democracy

Zagreb team: Aneta Mudronja, Vesna Košćak Miočić-Stošić; LNI coordinator: Anna Szilagyi-Nagy

Definition of the theme
The landscape belongs to everyone. We should all have equal access to it and a voice in how it is used, valued and maintained. Planners and designers are therefore required to understand better which narrations, power structures and conflicts are hidden in an urban landscape. Conflicting interests exist in any landscape. But they also generate dialogue and can lead to better alternatives, if a community-based communication process is designed well and without predefined solutions.
The participants of this workshop will join the forum with a shared idea of how to look at the landscape from a landscape democracy perspective and collaborate closely with the local NGOs, stakeholders and citizens in Sesvete.

Study and planning area
The study area consist of the settlement Sesvete and will focus on the central area near the railway station, the new information building south of the railway, and other (semi-)public spaces for communal activities.

Main questions are:

  • What are the main challenges for developing community identity, inclusiveness and which kind of (semi-) public spaces and functions are called for in this area?
  • Which organisation and management of the urban landscape can foster social cohesion and sense of community?
  • How can the local community support inclusiveness of all inhabitants and different groups in society?

Planned results:
Participants will be equipped with tools and methods to be able to map, analyze landscape democracy related issues and envision a more democratic landscape for the neighborhood.
Potential themes include: power structures and power mapping, inclusion of weak/unheard groups, equal access to landscape assets, exposure to environmental risks and diversity of uses and user groups.