Working Group 4: Heritage and Identities (2022)

Working Group 4: Heritage and Identities

Prof. N. Karadeniz, Adrian Noortman, Maria Stella Lux

Introduction to the theme

Heritage along the coast exists of multiple layers of landscape patterns, buildings, infrastructure dating from the Roman times, the Malatesta period (between 1295 and 1500), the 19th century development of seaside and wellness resorts, to modern times the development of social housing, the Colonia in the first half of the 20th century and modern extensions of towns. These different layers can be seen in the actual landscape, the street patterns of the cities, the historic and modernistic buildings. They are part of our collective memory, the stories of our communities and families and of the stories of our youth. These stories are important for our connection to place, our sense of identity and belonging.

This working group will focus on the role and meaning of the Colonies along the coast of Emilia Romagna.

Main questions:

  • How can modern heritage be redeveloped while offering benefits to the city and the community?
  • How can the Colonia and the areas around it strengthen a sustainable landscape framework along the coast?
  • Which functions can contribute to a sustainable development of the Colonia and make these resilient to changes in conjuncture?
Working Group transect: Rimini Miramare

Study and planning area

This area is particularly interesting when reasoning on re-use of soil and land. It comprises three important colonies (Bolognese, Murri, Novarese) where a local association (Palloncino Rosso) developed several projects of regeneration. However the huge dimension of the buildings makes it difficult to create economically and socially sustainable projects. One element that the Province of Rimini and one of the volunteers from Palloncino Rosso highlighted about this area is that there is a social problem of integration between this area as a suburb and the adjacent centres of Rimini and Riccione.

Planned results

  • A concept for the development of the heritage of the Colonia and their landscape context that contribute to landscape quality and social inclusion.
  • A vision and strategy of how the Colonia can be developed in an economically feasible, that is resilient to changes in conjuncture, in a way that also contributes to the collective history, identity of the region and links to the personal stories of the inhabitants and visitors.
  • A set of objectives that can be used for guidance of spatial development of the Colonia and their surrounding landscape.
    Tangible outputs during the Forum
  • Contribution to the Outcome statement of the Forum
  • A PowerPoint presentation for the final meeting
  • 4 pages of text for the Forum publication on the results of this thematic group.

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